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Language Diversity

Multicolor bubbles with text of hello in multiple languages.The University of Virginia is committed to supporting equal access to all of its information, programs and services. Increasingly, this includes recognizing the language diversity represented in the Commonwealth of Virginia and among our international faculty, staff, students, and their families. EOCR supports these vital efforts through outreach and education to the University community on language assistance resources that support the goal of language diversity inclusion. Click on a topic below to learn more.


Translated EOCR Policies and Forms

Each of EOCR's policies have been translated in multiple languages, select a language to access the translation as a Microsoft Word document:

University of Virginia Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity: Chinese | Korean | Spanish

EXT-001 Administrative Dispute Resolution: Chinese | Korean | Spanish

HRM-009 Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment: Chinese | Korean | Spanish

HRM-010 Preventing and Addressing Retaliation: Chinese | Korean | Spanish

HRM-040 Reporting by University Employees of Disclosures Relating to Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (the "Sexual Misconduct Policy"): Chinese | Korean | Spanish

HRM-041 Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence: Chinese | Korean | Spanish 

IRM-008 University Information Technology Accessibility: Chinese | Korean | Spanish

If you will need assistance with translations of EOCR-related policies into additional languages, please contact us at [email protected] and put "Translation Request" in the subject line.

Translation and Interpretation Service Providers

University Offices and Departments are responsible for arranging language assistance when it is needed to access University information, services, and programs. The following table contains vendors with which the University has contracted, done business, or has access to on the basis of cooperative contracts to provide language translation and interpretation services at no cost to the requestor.


Services Offered



American Language Services


Jay Herzog

(800) 951-5020 x305

[email protected]


  • Translation
  • Interpretation
    • On-site
  • Transcriptions


  • Per word/character, by language
  • Hourly and Day Rates for Interpretation (Variable by language)
  • Contracted for 5% discount on Interpreting and Notetaking

Civic Access

  • Interpretation
    • On-site
    • Video Phone
  • American Sign Language
  • Spanish Sign Language
  • Hourly (Variable by language)



(800) 481-3289

[email protected]

(*specialize in healthcare translation)

  • Translation
  • Interpretation
    • On-site
    • Video remote
  • Per word/character, by language
  • Hourly and Day Rates for Interpretation (Variable by language/format)


The American Translators Association (ATA) maintains a directory of certified interpreters and translators by locality.

To learn more about translation and interpretation services in the University Health System, please visit their website at

Website Translation Tools

Individual users accessing University websites are encouraged to utilize free website translation toolbars or services such as:

The accuracy of translations through such tools will vary on the basis of languages and their similarity to English, complexity or linguistic irregularities, and the potential for multiple meanings or ambiguity in phrases. Information on how individuals can request a professional translation of policies, guidelines, or other materials in alignment with the institution's responsibilities for language assistance should be provided to ensure meaning is understood as relates to providing meaningful access.

Language Interpretation and Zoom

The University's license in Zoom includes the option to enable language interpretation in meetings. Information on how to enable that feature can be found from the Zoom support website. You can use the table above to identify potential language interpreters, or otherwise identify individuals who could serve in this role. This is a great way to make large public meetings more accessible on the basis of language diversity, or as needed based on language assistance requests.

Institutional Language Assistance Responsibilities

The University has the responsibility to ensure meaningful access to its programs, services, and activities to individuals in a timely, reasonable, and effective manner. This includes access for the parents of our students and visitors to the University. While many parents and visitors may elect to use family members or friends for translation or interpretation, they should be made aware that they have the option of having the University arrange for and provide such services free of charge to the requestor. The following are key items for consideration:

  • Each School or Department should make individuals aware of their ability to request language assistance services in connection with accessing its programs, services, and activities.
    • For example, if an event registration form is used to manage participation estimates, include a question as to whether language assistance or interpretation services will be needed.
  • Each School or Department should make key forms, policies, or other materials available in multiple languages, upon request.
    • Based on an evaluation of the language diversity in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the following languages have been identified as a priority for proactive documentation translations: Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.
  • Each School or Department should include a language translation tool on websites it administers.
    • For example, as noted above, Google Translate can be added to any website.

If University student employees, faculty, or staff will be asked to provide interpretation or translation services based on their validated language proficiencies, any work performed beyond the standard duties of their primary paid position and duties should be compensated in alignment with average wages for these services in Virginia, which can be found online.