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Religious Accommodations

UVA Inclusion Calendar

The University of Virginia is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for sincerely held religious beliefs, practices, and observances for students, faculty/staff, and third parties, such as applicants or employment or admission to the University.  The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, which includes refusing to grant a reasonable request for accommodation unless such accommodation would impose an undue hardship.

Religious Accommodations for Faculty and Staff

WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATION PROCEDURES: Procedures for current UVA Academic and UVA Medical Center employees

Questions about workplace accommodations for religious observances can also be directed to University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) at [email protected] or (434) 924-3200.


Religious Accommodations for Students

It is the University's long-standing policy and practice to reasonably accommodate students so that they do not experience an adverse academic consequence when sincerely held religious beliefs or observances conflict with academic requirements.  Students who wish to request academic accommodation for a religious observance should submit their request in writing directly to the instructor of the course. Students and instructors may contact EOCR at [email protected] or (434) 924-3200 if they have any questions regarding this policy, which is set forth in the Academic Accommodation for Religious Observances section of PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit, the Undergraduate Record, and the Graduate Record. 

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Reasonable Academic Accommodations for Religious Observance