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Title IX and Sexual Misconduct



Effective August 14, 2020, the University revised its Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (hereafter, the "Sexual Misconduct Policy") and implemented two new sets of procedures for responding to reports and Formal Complaints under the Sexual Misconduct Policy - the Grievance Process for Investigating and Resolving Reports of Title IX Prohibited Conduct ("Grievance Process"), and the Procedures for Investigating and Resolving Reports of Sexual and Gender-Based Prohibited Conduct ("Procedures").

The University of Virginia is committed to creating and fostering a caring community based on the values of fairness, dignity, and respect. Sexual and gender-based harassment and other forms of interpersonal violence have no place in UVA's community of trust and respect. Consistent with its Title IX obligations, the University prohibits discrimination, including sexual and gender-based harassment and violence, on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity or expression in all of its programs and activities, including academics, employment, athletics, and other extracurricular activities. 

Ensuring that our community becomes and remains free from sexual and gender-based harassment and violence is everyone’s responsibility.   

The purpose of this website is to provide the University community information, support, and resources. The Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) will continue to update the Title IX website with additional resources and materials regarding the new policies and procedures. If you have questions, you may contact the Title IX Office at (434) 297-7988 or [email protected]. EOCR will be launching additional training on the policies and procedures through online training modules and presentations over the next month.


Reports of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence

Members of the University community may report through the University's Just Report It online reporting tool at or by clicking the "Report an Incident" button at the top of this screen. In addition, anyone may directly report to the Title IX Office by telephone at (434) 297-7988 or by email to [email protected]. The Title IX Office is operating with modified schedules with team members working both on-site and remotely. If you would like to meet with someone in person, please contact the Title IX Office by email or by telephone to schedule a time to connect with a member of our team. In addition to this, we will continue provide our services to the community using telephonic and other remote communications technology. Reports also may be made to a "Responsible Employee," such as a Dean on Call, a Resident Advisor, or a faculty member.

The University prohibits Sexual Harassment as defined by Title IX which includes Quid Pro Quo Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking on the basis of sex in an education program or activity ("Title IX Prohibited Conduct") and other forms of sexual and gender-based misconduct, including Non-Consensual Sexual Contact, Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Exploitation, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, Quid Pro Quo Harassment, Hostile Environment Harassment, Complicity in the commission of any act prohibited by the Sexual Misconduct Policy, and Retaliation against a person for the good faith reporting of any of these forms of conduct or participation in any investigation or proceeding under the Sexual Misconduct Policy ("Sexual or Gender-Based Prohibited Conduct") (collectively "Prohibited Conduct"). These forms of Prohibited Conduct undermine the values and purpose of the University, and such conduct will not be tolerated. For more information about how such conduct is defined, please consult the University’s Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (Sexual Misconduct Policy)

The Sexual Misconduct Policy is organized as a central, unified policy that covers students, employees, contractors, vendors, visitors, guests, or other third-parties within the University’s control and includes separate appendices for the University's grievance process, procedures, resources, and training information. Appendix A contains the Grievance Process for Investigating and Resolving Reports of Title IX Prohibited Conduct; Appendix B contains the Procedures for Investigating and Resolving Reports of Sexual or Gender-Based Prohibited Conduct; Appendix C includes a Resource and Reporting Guide for students; Appendix D includes a Resource and Reporting Guide for employees; Appendix E summarizes the University’s education, training, and prevention programs for both students and employees. 

If you have any questions about the Sexual Misconduct Policy, please contact the Title IX Office.

Reports of Other Forms of Sex or Gender-Based Discrimination

If you believe you have been subjected to a form of sex or gender-based discrimination not covered by the Sexual Misconduct Policy, or have been subjected to retaliation for reporting such conduct or participating in an investigation related to such conduct, please consult the University’s Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment (PADH) policy and the Preventing and Addressing Retaliation (PAR) policy. The PADH and PAR policies establish procedures (“PADHR Complaint Procedures”) for reporting, investigating, and resolving such concerns. Examples of sex or gender-based discrimination covered by the PADH Policy include allegations of different treatment in athletic or STEM programs because of your sex, gender, or gender identity or expression. If you have any questions about which policies and procedures govern a situation, please contact the EOCR Main Office at (434) 924-3200 or [email protected]

External Reporting

Complaints alleging violations of Title IX may also be made directly to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at [email protected] or by calling (800) 421-3481. For more information, please see:


Please note that University policy and federal and state law prohibit retaliation against any individual who reports in good faith discrimination or harassment based on sex, gender, or gender identity or expression or who participates in an investigation of such reports.