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Not On Our Grounds Responsible Employee FAQs

Not On Our Grounds Responsible Employee Module

The Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee Module is required of all University and Medical Center employees. In addition, all employees are required to complete the online module every two years. The modules are designed to educate employees on conduct prohibited by the University's Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (the "Sexual Misconduct Policy"), the reporting requirements for responsible employees, and inform employees of ways in which we all can serve as active bystanders and community leaders in preventing harassment and violence in our community. The modules provide a baseline level of information and community expectations.

Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee Training Module - The University is currently updating the online training module for all University and Medical Center employees and will be launching revised training Fall 2023. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Am I a "Responsible Employee"?
  2. Why am I being asked to complete the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee learning module?
  3. Who is required to take the Not on our Grounds Responsible Employee learning module?
  4. How do I access the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module?
  5. As a new employee, how much time do I have to complete the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee Online Training?
  6. Why will the module not launch or play for me?
  7. Will the system track my progress if I cannot complete all of the training at once?
  8. Who should I contact if I have questions about the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module?
  9. Who should I contact if I have issues accessing the online module due to a disability?
  10. Where can I go for additional resources related to my responsibilities as a Responsible Employee?
  11. Why am I being asked for personal information, such as my age, gender, and race/ethnicity in the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module?
  12. What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) number for the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee survey?
  13. Is the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee training the same as the Preventing and Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (PADHR) training?
  14. As an employee, can I agree to Vector Solution’s terms of service agreement when I register?
  15. Is there a way for employees who have experienced past trauma or abuse to request an exemption from the training?

Am I a “Responsible Employee”?

All employees of the University and University Medical Center are “Responsible Employees” unless they are a “Confidential Employee” (a small proportion of all employees). A “Confidential Employee”, as defined by policy HRM-040, is (1) Any University employee who is a licensed medical, clinical or mental-health professional (e.g., physicians, nurses, physicians’ assistants, psychologists, psychiatrists, professional counselors and social workers, and those performing services under their supervision), when acting in that professional role in the provision of services to a patient who is a University student (“health care providers”), and (2) any University employee providing administrative, operational and/or related support for such health care providers in the performance of such services.

Why am I being asked to complete the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee learning module?

The University of Virginia, including the University Medical Center, are committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment for all members of the University community. Consistent with this fundamental mission, and as required by federal law, the University is providing the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee learning module to all University and University Medical Center employees. The module will provide employees with the knowledge and tools they need to appropriately recognize and respond to Prohibited Conduct involving students (as defined in HRM-041, Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (the “Sexual Misconduct Policy”) of which they become aware. Specifically, the module highlights the responsibility of responsible employees to report information to the University’s Title IX Coordinator so the University may provide appropriate support to students and take prompt and effective action to end any Prohibited Conduct, remedy its effects, and prevent its recurrence.

Who is required to take the Not on our Grounds Responsible Employee learning module?

All employees of the University and University Medical Center are required by University Policy to complete the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module. This includes all full and part-time faculty and staff at the University and University Medical Center whether they are paid on a salaried or non-salary basis. This also specifically includes Professional Research Staff, Fellows, Medical Residents, Resident Assistants, and Graduate Teaching/Research Assistants.

How do I access the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module?

The Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module can be found through WorkDay.

As a new employee, how much time do I have to complete the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee Online Training?

It is strongly encouraged that new employees will complete the training within thirty days of their start date but no later than three months of their start date.

Why will the module not launch or play for me?

With any web-based module or content player, there could be many reasons why the module does not immediately launch for you. Here are a couple of things to try first. If these do not work, please contact your local IT support provider to try other options.

  • The player launched in a new window behind your current open internet browser window. Check your taskbar to see if this is the case or minimize your current browser to view the player.
  • The content player may work better with an alternate web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. Please try one of these if you experience difficulties accessing the module content. 

Will the system track my progress if I cannot complete all of the training at once?

Yes, you can begin the training and stop at any point. The system will automatically track your progress at the end of each section so you can pick up where you left off.

Who should I contact if I have questions about the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employees module?

For content or policy questions, please contact the Title IX Office at [email protected] or 434-297-7988. 

Who should I contact if I have issues accessing the online module due to a disability?

If you are an individual with a disability and need to access the training in an alternate format, please contact EOCR at [email protected] or 434-924-3200.

Where can I go for additional resources related to my responsibilities as a Responsible Employee?

If you are logged into the Not on Our Grounds – Responsible employee module you can access the “Portfolio” at any time to review a wide variety of resources from the University and other sources. Resources are also available from the Title IX website at

Why am I being asked for personal information, such as my age, gender, and race/ethnicity in the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module?

The Not on Our Grounds module is an evidence-based program, which is regularly reviewed by the third-party vendor for effectiveness. This evaluation includes analyzing information based on demographic characteristics. The information provided is confidentially maintained and used in accordance with the privacy standards agreed to by the University and Vector Solutions, in their specific agreement. The information gathered will be used only for the purposes of evaluating the program and strict data security standards are in place to protect this information. The only information shared with the University about a “Learner/Student” is a history of the learner’s completion status.

What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) number for the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee survey?

The survey utilized in the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee module is exempted from IRB approval, as it meets the criteria of “non-research”, program evaluation.

Is the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee training the same as the Preventing and Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (PADHR) training?

The Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee training is new and does not cover the PADHR training requirement. PADHR training is separate from the Not on Our Grounds Responsible Employee training.

As an employee, can I agree to EverFi’s terms of service agreement when I register?

Yes. Vector Solutions has a pre-programmed set of service terms listed by web link where you check a box to “agree”. This is commonly referred to as a “click through”. This is done during the initial one-time registration with Vector Solutions. The terms of service which are linked at the agreement check box do not apply to the University and its users who are employees. While you still have to click in the box to move forward, this is a purely technical function which can’t be removed and must therefore be completed. 

Is there a way for employees who have experienced past trauma or abuse to request an exemption to the training?

Yes. An employee seeking an exemption on such grounds should send an email request to the Title IX Office at [email protected]. Specific details are not required to be shared as part of the request.