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Resources for Individuals with Disabilities

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People with disabilities comprise almost 11.5% of the working age population in the United States and 11% of its undergraduate students. Creating an environment in which people with disabilities feel valued and respected is critical to the mission of the University. As a community we seek to build an inclusive workplace in which all employees and students work and learn to their full potential. Celebrating and respecting the unique contributions of every individual in our community will enhance our success as an instituion. To learn more about the disability community on Grounds please visit the University's Disability Advocacy and Action Committee's blog at Awareness and education about issues impacting the disability community and critical social outcomes on the basis of discrimination are important to growing inclusive capacity. EOCR has compiled a list of useful resources and web sites addressing some of these issues.

UVa Resources:

  • ADA Coordinator - The ADA Coordinator's web site has links to information about accommodation and disability services at the University. The site provides information on the procedure for requesting a workplace accommodation, information about DART (Demand and Response Transportation) services, and information on how employees can self-identify a disability.
  • Accessibility Map - The U.Va. Accessibility Map provides an interactive way to explore the University. The map highlights accessible building entrances, disabled parking locations, wheelchair accessible routes, and identifies areas that are partially accessible.
  • SDAC - The Student Disability Access Center is part of the Elson Student Health Center. This office provides direct services to students who need accommodations in the learning environment, but they also provide information for faculty and staff around how to make the curriculum and web sites accessible. The Center also provides consultations services for faculty working with students requesting an accommodation.
  • FEAP - The Faculty and Employee Assistance Program is a great resources for supervisors and employees. They can provide consultation and training on how to support persons with a disability as well as provide counseling services for all employees.

Education Resources:


  • EARN - The Employer Assistance Resource Network is a great tool for learning more about workplace access, how to recruit and hire qualified persons with a disability, and how to foster an inclusive workplace. They offer free webinars on a variety of topics and often partner with the Job Accommodation Network on programming initiatives.
  • JAN - The Job Accommodation Network is the leading source for employers to get information about workforce accommodations. They often host free webinars about disability trends and how to make successful accommodations.
  • ODEP - The Office of Disability Employment Policy is part of the U.S. Department of Labor. This organization provides a great deal of information about workforce trends for persons with a disability, hosts free webinars about various topics, and partners with JAN and EARN on many projects. Importantly, the office hosts a "hiring toolkit" for employers committed to disability employment.
  • AHEAD - The Association on Higher Education and Disability provides a dynamic array of resources and is a national professional association committeed to full participation of persons with disabilities in postsecondary education.
  • - Disability scoop is an information and news source focused on developmental and intellectual disabilities. The web site also offers job posting services where the position is directly connected to work supporting the site's mission.
  • SHRM - The Society for Human Resource Management has many educational resources addressing the topics of recruitment and retention specific to the disability community under its diversity section.
  • National Organization on Disability - The National Organization on Disability is a private non-profit. They conduct research on many different aspects of disability employment policy and practice.