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Five different buttons stating ask about my pronouns, they, my pronouns are, she, and he

UVA's Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) seeks to cultivate a University community where the asking, sharing, and respecting of a person's chosen personal pronouns is common practice. This is not simply a matter of semantics or political correctness. Referring to people who identify as transgender, non-binary, or gender nonconforming, in particular, by the wrong pronouns, especially intentionally, can have a negative, devaluing impact. In contrast, referring to people by the pronouns they choose for themselves to identify with is a relatively easy but fundamental way to give meaning to a core University value--respect for others.

The English language has a number of pronouns that are used to describe an individual when you are talking about them and many, like she and he, are gendered terms. As such, use of these pronouns can lead to assumptions that have a powerful impact on interpersonal relationships and community building. As we seek to sustain the practice of sharing, asking for, and respecting chosen personal pronouns, EOCR has made pronoun buttons and stickers available at locations throughout the University community.


Breaking the Binary - Understanding Gender

Pronoun FAQs

UVA LGBTQ Student Services - Safe Space Training

Gender Inclusive Classrooms

Sustained Dialogue Resource Guide

Meriam-Webster: Singular 'They'


Pronoun Button Availability

The following offices and locations have pronoun buttons available every day:

  • Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Washington Hall (Hotel B) or Madison Hall)
  • Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (O'Neil Hall, Suite 023)
  • Multicultural Student Center/LGBTQ Center
  • UVA Medical Center (Patient Experience Office, Primary Care Center, Suite 1501)
  • UVA-Wise Office for Compliance, Conduct, and Inclusion
  • UVA Women's Center